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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer study materials and interactive test engine software. The study guides are created by a team of IT professionals and include comprehensive exam prep resources. Our materials are designed to provide all the information you need to help you pass your exams on your first attempt.

While we do not offer a 100% pass guarantee, our exam prep materials are highly accurate and have successfully helped many learners achieve their certification goals in the past.
Our exam prep materials are continuously reviewed and updated to ensure they align with the latest certification exam objectives. While updates are made regularly, they don’t always involve adding new questions. Instead, updates might include refining diagrams, fixing bugs in our test engine software or Android app, and enhancing the overall quality of the materials and user experience.
Once your purchase is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will include your activation ID and detailed instructions on how to access your files through your profile.
Our products are available in following formats:
  • PDF format that can be downloaded on PC or can be used as an eBook.
  • Test Engine Software which can be installed on your Windows Operating Systems.
As part of your purchase you have access to future updates 100% FREE of charge for a duration of 60 days!
We maintain only one version of the file on our server, so your download link always directs you to the most current version. Typically, updates involve minor cosmetic adjustments, which may trigger the update time-stamp. If you download the file and notice no significant changes, this could be due to the nature of those updates.
We DO NOT store any personal information except email (your username) and name. No Credit Card, address or personal details are stored.